Amrutvarsha Mahotsav
Amrutvarsha Mahotsav is the unique programme conducted by the Amruteshwar Arts, Commerce & Science College, Vinzar under the parent body of Samaj Shiksan Mandal Vinzar. This is first ever programme any college in the country has performed. The basic idea behind the programme is to bring the youth of the urban area in the village and give them change to perform rice transplantation physically. This bring the highly educated urban youth to the grass root level of the village and make them understand the problems, pain and agony of the farmers. Not only making them understand the problem but giving them chance to extend hand of help to the farmers by helping them physically by entering into their farm and by performing rice transplantation.
Early in the morning students from various colleges were picked by the buses arranged by the Samaj Shikshan Mandal Sanstha and the Amruteshwar Arts, Commerce & Science College. They were to reach at the village called vinzar where this Amruteshwar Arts, Commerce & Science College is situated in 45 minutes. In half way of the Vinzar, breakfast was given to all the participants by our college professors. After arrival of the student participants in our Amruteshwar Arts, Commerce & Science College, they were distributed in a group of 10 to 15 to the respective farmers. The afternoon meal was distributed to the students at the corner of the farm only. After whole day enthusiastic work as per the instructions of the farmers in the farm, all the students were to gather together in the Amruteshwar Arts, Commerce & Science College, Vinzar. A small felicitation programme with experience sharing by student participants was the concluding part.
Most of the students express their opinion that now they will not waste a single piece of rice as now they understood the pain behind cultivation of the same. All the students were departing for their respective college and home by treating with sweet dish specially prepared for them.
All the college teachers participate voluntarily in entire Amrutvarsha Mahotsav since from planning to execution of the programme by continuing their regular teaching activity. All the teaching and non-teaching staff undertakes great efforts to make this activity successful. It is regarded by the founder of the programme Adv. Sadanand Phadke that the Samaj Shikshan Mandal Sanstha is head of the programme, all the student participants are the working hands of the programme, farmers are the feet of the programme but the all the staff of the Amrutvarsha College is spine or backbone of the programme.
This is first ever revolutionary programme organized and conducted very successfully by the Amruteshwar Arts, Commerce & Science college and parent body of the college Viz. Samaj Shikshan Mahdal Vinzar.
All the Villagers of Vinzar, all the farmers from vinzar village and villages around the college supported this programme with whole hearted active participation without which the programme can not reach to this heights.
Amrutvarsha Mahotsav is not a name of a single program. It is a name of the mission. It will go for ever in the interest of our nation. It is not confined to rainy season only. The basic principle underline to formation of Amrutvarsha Mahotsav is that wherever our farmers will be in need of manpower, the residents of the city will provide the manpower. That is the underline principle therefore our tag line is "Eak Divas Sheti sathi, Shetkaraynchya madati sathi."
Background of the programme
There is common cycle in almost every task, project or program. It requires initiation, planning, execution, and control. Resources, risks, peak hours and critical moments are part and parcel of any task or program. Farming is not the exception to it.
All crops require the ploughing, sowing the seeds, watering the plants and cutting the crops in harvest season. However the crop of rice requires an additional process of trans-plantation, which is popularly known as “BHAT-LAVANEE”. All the crops can be cut from the place where they are sown except rice. To get the maximum yield the trans-plantation of rice /paddy should be accomplished done in time. The trans-plantation is an important and vital stage in which all the resources are in demand especially the rain fall and the man power.
In early days all villagers used to help each other in this activity and all villages were self-sufficient. However the present scenario is different. At least one member of each family has been shifted to urban area for their livelihood. This has resulted in scarcity of human resources in villages. The trans-plantation which is supposed to be completed in fortnight gets delayed by one and half month. Obliviously it makes adverse effect on the yield.
On other hand, the urban population is interested to enjoy rainy season or visit picnic spots and this situation gave birth to the concept "Amrutvarsha Mahotsav".
Philosophy of the programme
Founder of the programme
This innovative concept was initiated by Adv. Sadanand G. Phadke
Mr. S. G. (Nandu) Phadke
Amrutvarsha Programme Achievements
In the year 2012, when this Amrutvesha programme was introduced for the first time total 2200 students from 6 different educational institutes participated in actual transplantation of rice to help the farmers. The area cover under transplantation was 220 acres. Due to this help by the youngsters farmers are benifited manifold as on the one hand production of the rice in this year increased by 26% and on the other hand the land which may otherwise remain vacant and unproductive due to non-availability of labours comes under cultivation. This revolutionanary concept was successful beyond expectations and it gives great zeal to parent sanstha of the Amruteshwar Arts, Commerce & Science College, Vinzar viz. Samaj Shikshan Mahdal vinzar.
In the year 2013, the second year of Amrutvarsha Mahotsav was extended to the nearby villages around our home village viz Vinzar. In this year total 6800 students were participated in rice transplantation process from different 16 Colleges and schools from Pune City. As a result the total area covered under plantation was 680 acre.
In the year 2014 the programme was continued with same zeal and spirit. This year total 7200 students from 16 different colleges and schools were participated for rice transplantation. The area covered for plantation by these students were 900 acre.
The success of the Amrutvesha Mahotsav is manifold. On one hand farmers of the village gets help from the youth from city area for their rice transplantation which otherwise becoming difficult for them to arrange labour. Farmers are now cultivating on that area of land which otherwise remain unused due to non-availability of labours. It defiantly contributed in increase in overall national income of the country. Farmers are also benifited due to increase in production of rice than the last year.
On the other hand students are getting experience of rice transplantation with full of fun and enjoyment. At the end of the day they understand the pain and agony our farmers are facing every day. It makes them more responsible citizen of the country. The youth feels the real attachment with the villagers who share unconditional love and teat them like their son and daughters. Students invariably express their opinion that here onwards they will not waste food anyhow. The idea behind the entire Amrutvarsha Mahotsav is whenever the village farmers of the country are in need of labour it is the urban youth from the highly educated families and renounde colleges will step down in the farm to help the farmers physically. Therefore, the mission statement of the programme is very true “Eak Divas Shetisathi, Shetkaryancha Madati Sathi” ( One day for the farm, for the help of the farmers).
Most of the students express their opinion that now they will not waste a single piece of rice as now they understood the pain behind cultivation of the same. All the students were departing for their respective college and home by treating with sweet dish specially prepared for them.
This is first ever revolutionary programme organized and conducted very successfully by the Amruteshwar Arts, Commerce & Science college and parent body of the college Viz. Samaj Shikshan Mahdal Vinzar.
All the Villagers of Vinzar, all the farmers from vinzar village and villages around the college supported this programme with whole hearted active participation without which the programme can not reach to this heights.
Amrutvarsha Mahotsav is not a name of a single program. It is a name of the mission. It will go for ever in the interest of our nation. It is not confined to rainy season only. The basic principle underline to formation of Amrutvarsha Mahotsav is that wherever our farmers will be in need of manpower, the residents of the city will provide the manpower. That is the underline principle therefore our tag line is "Eak Divas Sheti sathi, Shetkaraynchya madati sathi."
Background of the programme
All crops require the ploughing, sowing the seeds, watering the plants and cutting the crops in harvest season. However the crop of rice requires an additional process of trans-plantation, which is popularly known as “BHAT-LAVANEE”. All the crops can be cut from the place where they are sown except rice. To get the maximum yield the trans-plantation of rice /paddy should be accomplished done in time. The trans-plantation is an important and vital stage in which all the resources are in demand especially the rain fall and the man power.
In early days all villagers used to help each other in this activity and all villages were self-sufficient. However the present scenario is different. At least one member of each family has been shifted to urban area for their livelihood. This has resulted in scarcity of human resources in villages. The trans-plantation which is supposed to be completed in fortnight gets delayed by one and half month. Obliviously it makes adverse effect on the yield.
On other hand, the urban population is interested to enjoy rainy season or visit picnic spots and this situation gave birth to the concept "Amrutvarsha Mahotsav".
Philosophy of the programme
- The urban residents have forgotten their roots in villages.
- Connecting /Bridging urban and rural culture through this mission!!
- Reverse engineering in social life!!
- Social engineering - where farmers get helping hand in their needy hours and urban residents get the enjoyment of rainy season along with the satisfaction
- Rice trans - plantation work accomplished in time and urban population get the enjoyment of rainy season.
- Urban population can enjoy the rainy season and dedicate one day for farmer brother in rice trans-plantation which finally results in increasing of per acre yield than expected
Founder of the programme

Mr. S. G. (Nandu) Phadke
- Mr. S. G. (Nandu) Phadke has conceived this concept of social engineering explained in our Philosophy
- He is practicing lawyer for last 33 years
- He is Ex-Vice Chairman of Maharashtra and Goa Bar Council
- President of Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
- Mr. Phadke is Executive Chairman of Samaj Shikshan Mandal Vinzar, which is a parent body of Amruteshwar Arts, Commerce and Science College
- Founder - Pillars of Nation
- A staunch nationalist, extempore orator, Good organizer, having innovative concepts
Amrutvarsha Programme Achievements
In the year 2013, the second year of Amrutvarsha Mahotsav was extended to the nearby villages around our home village viz Vinzar. In this year total 6800 students were participated in rice transplantation process from different 16 Colleges and schools from Pune City. As a result the total area covered under plantation was 680 acre.
In the year 2014 the programme was continued with same zeal and spirit. This year total 7200 students from 16 different colleges and schools were participated for rice transplantation. The area covered for plantation by these students were 900 acre.
The success of the Amrutvesha Mahotsav is manifold. On one hand farmers of the village gets help from the youth from city area for their rice transplantation which otherwise becoming difficult for them to arrange labour. Farmers are now cultivating on that area of land which otherwise remain unused due to non-availability of labours. It defiantly contributed in increase in overall national income of the country. Farmers are also benifited due to increase in production of rice than the last year.